Reports and Theses
2009 | Accelerating Agent-Based Ecosystem Models using the Cell Broadband Engine. Lange, M. MEng Project report, Department of Computing, Imperial College, London. pp 57 | |  | |
2008 | The Lagrangian Ensemble Recruitment model (LERM) Sinerchia, M., Vallerga, S. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 8, pp 227. | |  | |
2007 | Testing theories of fisheries recruitment. Sinerchia, M. PhD Thesis, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London. | |  | |
2005 | Planktonica: A system for doing biological oceanography by computer. Hinsley, W.R. PhD Thesis, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London. | |  | |
2005 | A Virtual Ecology Workbench for creating three-dimensional virtual plankton ecosystem. Rogers, A. PhD Transfer Report, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London. | | | |
2002 | Upward transport of chemicals by migrating zooplankton in a Virtual Plankton Ecosystem. Arrese, M. Unpublished MEng Project Thesis, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London. 74 pp. | | | |
2001 | Computing seasonal variation of life expectancy of diatoms in a virtual ecosystem. Hurt, C. MSc Thesis, Birbeck College, University of London. | | | |
2001 | Simulation of plankton patchiness using a three-dimensional version of the WB model driven by meandering mesoscale jet. Maggiore A. Unpublished PhD Transfer Report, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London. | | | |
2000 | A food web based model based on the Lagrangian Ensemble method. Partridge, L. Unpublished Report, University of Southampton. | | | |
2000 | An individual-based model of the plankton ecosystem with an explicit population of fish larvae. Turner, D. Unpublished MEng Thesis, Department of Computing, Imperial College, London. 74 pp. | | | |
1998 | Simulation of ocean colour observed from space. Liu, C-C. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 7, 36 pp. | | | |
1998 | The Lagrangian Ensemble model: LE98 science modules. Barkmann, W. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 6, 55 pp. | | | |
1998 | Virtual Ecology Diagnostic Workbench. Gratrix, S., Jeffreys, B., Tharnmaratrnam, J. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 5, 41 pp. | | | |
1998 | The ZB model. Partridge, L. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton ecology Technical Report 4, 33 pp. | | | |
1998 | Lifespan: The calculation of demography. Brice, A., Lythgoe, K. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 3, 140 pp. | | | |
1998 | Virtual Ecology Workbench (VEW1). Brice, A. and Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 2, 80 pp. | | | |
1998 | The research programme. Woods, J.D. Virtual Plankton Ecology Technical Report 1, 41 pp. | | | |
1998 | Parallel simulation of plankton ecology. Al-Battran, S., Field, A.J., Wiley, R. and Woods, J.D. In Proc. of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Modeling, IASTED Philadelphia, USA. | | | |
1997 | Prediction of ocean colour. Liu, C.-C. PhD Thesis, Imperial College, London. | | | |
1996 | Numerical experiments on the response of a virtual plankton ecosystem to increasing nutrient stress. Barkmann, W. Unpublished Report, University of Southampton. | | | |
1994 | The lifespan program for computing plankton demography. Lythgoe, K. and Brice, A. et al. Unpublished Technical Report in Virtual Ecology, Imperial College, London. | | | |
1992 | An experimental workbench for plankton ecology simulation. Woods, J.D. and Brice, A. In Proc. of the Conference on second generation CASE tools, Systematica, Boumemouth, 15 pp. | | | |